

New Beginnings.

Wow! I can’t believe 2010 is already gone. What a great year. I know 2011 is going to be even better. I have lots of fun things planned for this year.

First of all. I am going to try (try is the key word) to keep up a blog to let everyone know what has been happening lately. I will be posting a few pictures from each session and write a little something about my experience while doing the shoot. Some crazy things happen behind the camera….lol. Like being chased by horses, me falling down…ha, or even the sweetest things that the itty bitties do or say. Always fun. So stay tuned.

Also I am going to do facebook games and giveaways. Each one will be different and very fun. Become a fan a facebook to join in. I will be doing one each month starting in February. So exciting!!

I am currently expanding my inventory of props :). Really cute things! Can't wait to share them with you.

And then you may find some cute little stories of my little one, Hailey. Never a dull moment with her. She keeps me on my toes. She is such a blessing.

Become a follower of this page and stay up to date. It is going to be a GREAT year.